Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee
Let's Break Our Fast

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This must be the bacon... because it sizzles.

I have an evening gown! :D I am so very excited. It's like a huge weight has been lifted. It has been so hard to find a dress.

I'm 5'9" and apparently that's just tall enough to be too tall for regular sizes. None of the dresses I had tried on before this one had really jumped out at me. And believe me, I have tried some beautiful dresses. Even the ones that were long enough didn't really give me that good feeling inside. They were just kinda, "Yeah. That looks nice."

But this one? Wow. The most surprising thing is that I would never have picked this dress if I had seen it hanging. The lady at the shop where I got it, just pulled out some dresses that were my size and this was one of them. She said, "You may not like this one, but you could try it just to see how it fits since it is really long and it's in your size." I thought the dress was a little weird actually. But when I walked out of the dressing room and onto the little platform out into the lights, I had a much different feeling. It was the perfect color, the perfect shape, with just enough sparkle to grab your attention. I felt like I had found the dress I was looking for. And it looked nothing like I had imagined.

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