Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee
Let's Break Our Fast

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I was jumping up and down this morning telling Alissa, "It's less than three weeks! Less than three weeks! Which is basically two weeks because I'm leaving on Thursday!" :D I am getting so very excited.

And don't I have a reason to be? I mean all this hard work is certainly going to pay off. I think it's worth it just to have a day where I get to dress up, look pretty and keep smiling. :D

I think I've been worrying a bit too much lately. And yes, I have a reason to worry, but I don't really need to do it. Everything is in the Lord's hands. And the outcome will be what it will be no matter what I 'do or do not' beforehand in preparation.

With that being said, It's less than three weeks!!! Less than three weeks!!! Basically two weeks because I'm going down there two days before the pageant!!! :D

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