Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee
Let's Break Our Fast

Thursday, May 27, 2010


"This is it. Don't get scared now." That's one of my favorite quotes from the movie 'Home Alone'. It pretty much sums up my thoughts at the moment. I have something going on every single day from now until June 6th. Yard sale this weekend, Memorial Day, dentist appointments next week, last day of school, and then I'm leaving Thursday for the pageant. That's when the fun begins.

"Overwhelmed" would be an understatement. I've had some good days and some bad days. But the closer I get to the "big day", the less I see of the good ones. I've had days this week where every single thing was making me cry. And for no reason too. I have mentioned before that this must be the "darkest before the dawn" part, but I didn't realize the "dark" would get even worse than it had already been.

Let's see. Phillip knocked out a tooth. I almost broke my toe and was unable to walk without a limp for about a week. I got pink-eye. David got chicken pox -- a very bad case of it I might add. Stevie now has chicken pox after having been vaccinated for it. I've had migraines off and on. There have been too many things happening for the past few weeks. I'm ready for it all to be over.

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." -- Philippians 3:14

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