Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee
Let's Break Our Fast

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sometimes I like oatmeal... nice, healthy oatmeal

My husband and I were married on May 6th in 1995. We're celebrating our 15th year of marriage today.

What a day to feel absolutely horrible. I have had pink-eye since Tuesday and even though the doctor gave me medicine for it, it doesn't seem to be getting any better. I'm missing the National Day of Prayer celebration at the Municipal Building today. And I'm pretty sure David went to work with a fever. I'm glad we at least were able to go out to eat yesterday while he was off work.

On top of the pink-eye, I re-injured my toe that was almost completely better. I tripped over the vacuum cleaner in the hallway while trying to chase the dog that refused to do what I said. So it's back to limping a little bit.

I keep wondering why everything keeps going wrong. I have come to the conclusion that the Lord is trying his hardest to say, "Rachel, slow down for just a minute. Rest in Me. I have everything under control. Why are you trying to do it all yourself?" And why would I try to do anything myself? Without Him I am destined to fail. Without Him my efforts are fruitless. Without Him I am completely worthless. He has provided absolutely everything I need so far! Do you know how hard it is to find the perfect Interview Suit, the perfect Swimsuit, and the perfect Evening Gown? He has miraculously provided all of this for me.

I don't know if anyone realizes this, but it's only 30 days until the Mrs. Arkansas pageant!!! Actually only 28 days until I leave for the pageant! It will be upon us before we know it. I'm getting so anxious and nervous and excited and a little scared and probably every other emotion of which you can imagine.

Well, now that we've established how close it is to the pageant, I need to get down to business. I need about $700 for the rest of my expenses. We will be having a fundraiser on Friday May 21st and Saturday May 22nd. It will be a yard sale at our house. I will possibly be selling buttons and autographs and Alissa should be selling cookies and drinks. There might even be face-painting. We'll get all that straightened out pretty soon and can let you know more details later.

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