Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee
Let's Break Our Fast

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cappucino Please, With Hazelnut

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."  -- Psalm 19:1

This morning I was able to see something I wouldn't normally see.  The sunrise.  My son has archery practice before school every morning, and I have somehow been able to weasel out of taking him until today. 

With my eyes only half open, I got up and slipped on a pair of shoes, found a bandana to cover my hair rollers, and grabbed my keys, wallet, and a jacket. 

Before we were even out of our neighborhood, my son tells me, "I have a note for you to sign.  Also, I need ten dollars."  I turned left out of our neighborhood instead of right toward the school, so I could stop at the ATM. 

"You're gonna be a little late," I told him.  Thinking about this now, I'm pretty sure we were right on time.  I mean on God's time, not ours.  He needed to show us something. 

As we drove toward the school, I began to notice the sunrise.  "How cute," were my thoughts at first.  However, the closer we drove to the school, the bigger the sunrise became.  The clouds were all pink and were offset by the sky which was a brilliant shade of blue that I'm pretty sure I'd never seen up there before. 

I pointed it out to my son.  "Look at the sunrise.  Does it always look like that?  Look at the blue."

Maybe he was still half asleep, or maybe my voice was half awake, but his response was, "Huh?  Wha-?  Where's the moon?" 

"Not 'the moon.'  I said, 'the blue.'  Look at the blue." 

"Oh, yeah."  He had apparently never even noticed the sunrise before on his way to archery practice.  Maybe it had never been like this before. 

I quoted the verse to him.  "'The heavens declare the glory of God,'" and told him, "That sky is what that verse is talking about.  It's God saying, 'Here I am.'"

I dropped him off at the gym and headed back to turn onto the main road.  I was a little saddened that now I would be driving in the opposite direction and would not be able to see the sunrise. 

I turned right at the stop sign, thinking the Lord was finished showing me Himself, and guess what was in the sky in front of me now.  The moon.  "Oh, there's the moon."  Too bad I couldn't tell my son I had found it.  It had a lovely halo around it that stood out in the midst of all the grey sky surrounding it. 

That got me thinking about how when we look back at things, sometimes we see a lot of grey, but then there's a light in the midst of all that grey that seems to be the focal point.  It made me wonder if others could still focus on the Light with all the grey I have in my past. 

Within seconds my eyes began to fill with tears.  That sunrise that I thought I had seen the last of had somehow spread all the way across the sky, and I could see the pink reflecting off the grey clouds in front of me.  My thoughts went to the words I had just told my son, "It's God saying, 'Here I am.'"

To me He was saying, "I was there, and I'm still here."

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