Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee
Let's Break Our Fast

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I've Been Craving Pancakes ... With Peanut Butter

Since the new year has begun, I have decided it is time to do a little review of those New Year's resolutions I made last year.  Out of the four I made, I think I did fairly well in keeping them.  Let's take a look. 

1. Read through the Chronological Bible.
2. Go to an awesome concert like Newsboys or TobyMac.
3. Not going to let anyone push me around.
4. I'm gonna blog.

I did go to an awesome concert!  I think that's my favorite fulfilled resolution.  We had season tickets to Magic Springs over the summer and of the few concerts I did attend, NEWSBOYS was one of them.  What an awesome concert.   It was Legen -- wait for it -- dary. 

As for not letting anyone push me around, I cut ties with certain people that were not of any benefit to me, my social life, or my spiritual life as well.  In other words, people who were not of good influence and only brought me down.  That does sound a bit cruel, but why should my life suffer because of those I've tried to help, but couldn't because the person never benefited or improved themselves from it and also took advantage, which led to them only being a burden to me and my family?  I'm trying not to be too specific, so as not to hurt anyone's feelings, but hey, I've cut ties, so no one to whom this is referring will be reading it anyway. 

I did not stay caught up on reading through the Chronological Bible.  I did get behind on that.  But it's a new year and I've started over, so I will do it this time around.  I'm trying to incorporate several strategies at the same time so I will be able to follow through on this one. 

And as for blogging?  I posted two blogs last year.  I think that counts. 

Three out of four is pretty good considering most people keep none of the resolutions they make. 

I actually did not make any resolutions this year.  I feel like I would benefit more from maybe setting some goals of improving things that I already do.  For instance, getting through MORE of the Chronological Bible than I did last year.  Spending MORE time playing with my kids.  That one shouldn't be too hard now that I am no longer in Nursing school.  I would also like to keep in better touch with my friends.  I have made a lot of friends going to school at UACCB and being in the musical "Beauty and the Beast" over the summer, and I've noticed that some people that I, at one time, spoke to on a daily basis are now just friends on facebook that I rarely see in real life.  And when I do see them, we only have the friendly, casual, "acquaintance" type conversations that merely discuss weather, family, and what classes we're taking this semester. And that's only if the conversation gets past the "Hello!  How are you?" point which rarely occurs.  And this with people I once shared deep, meaningful, "secrets you only tell your bff" conversations.  It really is in no way the fault of either person.  Things change.  Goals change.  People go their separate ways.  I keep thinking of the verse that says, "A man who has friends must show himself friendly..."  I think maybe I just need to be MORE friendly. 

So to recap, I would like to do the following things.  I'll add MORE that have not been mentioned as well. 

1.  Read MORE of the Bible.
2.  Spend MORE time playing with my kids than I already do.
3.  Talk MORE to old friends. 
4.  Sing MORE.
5.  Be MORE friendly.
6.  Take MORE adventures.
7.  Show MORE love to others. 
8.  Sing MORE.
9.  Help others MORE. 
10.  Give MORE. 
11.  Post MORE blogs. 
12.  Sing MORE.  
13.  Add MORE things to this list.

Is it me or does the word "MORE" seem to not make any sense now?  Anyway, you get the picture.  I want to do MORE.  And yes, I know I put "Sing MORE" three times.  That one I think is one that even if I do it MORE, it still won't be enough.  I can always, no matter how much I'm doing it, sing more. 

I am fairly satisfied with my decision to not make resolutions and to instead do MORE of the things I am already doing.  This seems like it will be beneficial to me.  I already have a plan for two MORE blogs, so that one should be taken care of pretty soon. 

Check back in the near future for my next post which will be a recap of 2012, and also another "List" type post of not my favorite things, but my most UNfavorite things.