Rachel Lee

Rachel Lee
Let's Break Our Fast

Sunday, February 19, 2012

More Coffee, Please

Typically, when it comes to siblings, the younger will copy the older. In this case, I am the older and I am copying the younger. I'm sure the one I am copying will catch on if she hasn't already. And all the rest of you will just be out of the loop.

These are a few of my favorite things.

1. Swans
2. Tulips
3. The Simpsons
4. A Good Cup of Coffee
5. Making A's
6. Friends (the TV show and actual friends)
7. Phillip's laugh
8. Sarcasm
9. Singing
10. Purple
11. Hot tubs
12. Missionaries
13. The Number 13
14. Tea Parties
15. Brown Eyes
16. Wearing High Heels
17. Fixing Hair (others', not my own)
18. Breakfast
19. Babies
20. VW Beetles
21. Baking Desserts
22. Finding Mistletoe
23. Acting
24. Silas Quotes
25. Juliette Quotes
26. The Music Man
27. Siblings
28. Good Preaching
29. Playing Volleyball
30. The Beach
31. Memorizing
32. Nashville
33. Christian Schools
34. Reminiscing
35. Comic Books

I figured 35 (my age) was a good stopping point.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Eggs, Cheese, and Salsa: It's Delicious.

I have a blog. I may as well use it.

Well, it looks like it's been way too long. My last blog entry was in May of 2010. It is now February 2012 and my entire blog is in need of some ... updating. I mean I haven't been Mrs. Batesville since February of 2011 -- a whole year ago.

Someone mentioned I should work my New Year's resolutions into a blog post. I can do that. I mean how often do you make resolutions and by the time February comes around you've forgotten all about them? Well, frequently! About once a year maybe? ;) Surprisingly, that is actually not the case for me this time. I've so far kept three of the four resolutions that I posted on facebook for all to see. And also kept a few "unwritten" ones that I feel I can share at this time. But first, the original four.

1. Read through the Chronological Bible.
2. Go to an awesome concert like Newsboys or TobyMac.
3. Not going to let anyone push me around.
4. I'm gonna blog.

Until today I had not accomplished number 4, but that just changed (obviously). ;)


#1. My church is reading through the Bible together. The pastor is preaching about it. We're discussing it in small groups. The kids are doing it too in their classes. We are even handing out Chronological Bibles to anyone and everyone who wants one. And it's written in NLT which so far has been great for me and my reading comprehension problem. It's also simple enough for even Phillip and Stevie to understand. I instantly noticed certain benefits to an entire congregation reading in the exact same place in the Bible at the same time. It's amazing. I will defnitely accomplish this in 2012. And because I am also in The Amazing Collection with the Joy Of Living Bible study at West Baptist, I feel like I'm getting more Scripture this year than ever. I've not only kept up with the Chonological reading, but I've already read two books -- Micah and Nahum -- so far this year for Joy Of Living.

#2. I have been to two Casting Crowns concerts in my life and they were awesome. I have also been to two Selah concerts and they were awesome. I did not get to go to any concerts last year, so I was hoping to get to go to at least one this year. You may be asking why I picked Newsboys and TobyMac as my "examples". Well, let me explain. I listen to XM channel 63 The Message almost all the time. Well, not all the time. Mostly just while I'm driving. Anyway, I noticed something. I frequently will hear a song and just go, "Wow. This music is really good." That's before the lyrics even start. And I'll want to know who is singing it. I promise that about nine times out of ten, the song is by Newsboys. I've discovered that they are one of my favorite groups. As for TobyMac, well... He's just pretty awesome. I like most of his stuff. I also like Natalie Grant (heard her at my first Casting Crowns concert) and Francesca Battistelli. I like plenty others (like mikeschair) but those seem worth mentioning.

#3. You would think a grown woman the age of 35 would not have to tolerate bullying. But it happens. And I'm not putting up with it. My advice here is please grow up, people. ... Btw, I'm still weeding out the facebook friends list.

#4. Done! And it only took me what? 35 days? Not bad. Not bad at all.

And now for my "unspoken" resolutions on which I am doing pretty great. One of them has kind of changed from what it was originally, but I am still benefiting from it. I had decided that I would eat a really good breakfast every day -- eggs, yogurt, cereal, fruit, juice -- which was great (and perfect considering all my blog entry titles!). I got all my food groups in at breakfast and had my metabolism going pretty early in the morning which is a good thing. But it wasn't quite spilling into the rest of my day as I had hoped it would. So I just started doing low-carb and I've lost ten pounds. It's been great! I started that on my first day of classes this semester.

Which brings me to my next "unspoken" -- I'm going to make all A's this semester. I did it last semester and well, I really like it, so why not try that again. The problem here is that I'm taking Anatomy & Physiology I and Anatomy & Physiology I Lab this semester. Now I may have to forget about my "no grades under 95" rule, but I will make those A's. I must at least try. And guess what. If I try, I will.

My last "unspoken" is really an unspoken. I don't think I can elaborate on this one. I will say that it will take lots of prayer and discipline. That is all.

I really do enjoy writing. And I got a bit of a confidence boost last semester when I made an A in English Comp. II. (I really like bringing that up.)

Stay tuned for more blogs from Rachel Lee.